Building from source

For some people, stable public releases just aren't enough. If you are one of those who would rather cling onto the bleeding edge of progress, you can also build your own transport package from the source code hosted on GitHub, ensuring you get all the latest features and unresolved bugs!


  • A local installation of MODX Revolution 2.2.4+
  • PHP Command Line (php-cli) in your path


Clone the git repository

git clone

Move into the new directory

cd tvImagePlus

Create config.core.php from example

cp config.core.sample.php config.core.php

Edit config.core.php to point to local MODX installation

/* ... ~ line 3 */
define('MODX_BASE_PATH', '/path/to/my/local/modx/');

Execute the build script

php ./_build/build.transport.php

You will now have a newly-generated transport package zip file in the tvImagePlus directory. This package can then be copied to the core/packages folder of a MODX installation and installed in the same way as any other packages.